Quick access pen clips

Bronco Pen on BYOD Dash Rail

Charley Ward |

One of my favorite little gems of having a BYOD Dash rail is to have a Bronco Pen right handy whenever I need it! If you run any sort of business, have kids you need to sign off on permission slips, or just need to do some adulting every now and then, you'll probably need a pen sooner or later.  

Bronco with Pen on dashboard

Well if you have a BYOD Dash rail, we've got a great little clip and pen combo that keeps one handy for you at all times and will never roll around or get lost again!  The clip is 3D Printed from a UV-resistant ABS, clips onto one of our BYOD dash rails, and holds the included pen without any worries. 

We've got 5 colors of pen to choose from, but it's a pretty standard size pen so you might also have a pen you like that'll fit as well. Our pen has a softy rubbery grip to it, and a stylus on the top, so even if you have grubby hands or gloves on, you can grab it to use your cell phone with

Bronco Pen colors
Surprisingly, or maybe not surprisingly, there's a bunch of different size pens out there... I wasn't able to make a universal pen clip to cover most of these, so I had to just get a pen and provide it so I can guarantee the clip will work right.  I had the pens etched with our old logo, Buck Your Bronco, but it's still cool so we'll keep em at least until we sell out lol, no point in wasting a good pen.
BYOD Bronco Pen
I forgot to get a good picture of it (I'll have to go have a talk with my marketing manager...), but the pen clip puts the pen about 1/4" forward of the BYOD Dash rail, and just above, so there's plenty of clearance to put another accessory like the Sunglasses clip or a BYOD Rail clamp right up next to it without any interference.  

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